MCG outlines plan to tackle water supply crisis in Gurugram

Gurugram: Amid the ongoing water supply crisis in the city, the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) has outlined a comprehensive plan to ensure uninterrupted water for residents, including sending water tankers to address any shortfall, officials aware of the matter said.

A private water tanker supplies water to Kenwood Drive at Malibu Towne, Sector-47. Residents of Malibu Towne have not received water for the last two days due to failed motor pumps at the boosting station in Gurugram. (Parveen Kumar/HT PHOTO)

To ensure speedy resolution of water-related problems, the MCG has released a list of officials along with their mobile numbers. These officials can be contacted directly by residents for concerns related to water supply. In cases where the problem persists, the MCG will dispatch water tankers to tide over the crisis, they said.

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According to MCG officials, the water crisis in the city has resulted from multiple issues, including erratic power supply, excessive load on boosting stations, and old equipment that frequently breaks down under the strain in different sub-stations, police said.

MCG Commissioner, Narhari Singh Bangar, said that the chief engineer has been assigned area-wise and ward-wise responsibilities of employees. “We have shared a list of officials and their contact numbers with the Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs). Residents can reach out to these supervisors for any water supply-related problems or to request for a tanker,” he said.

Bangar said the city has been strategically divided into different zones, each zone overseen by designated officials responsible for monitoring the water supply and coordinating the dispatch of water tankers when necessary. “Proactive measures have been implemented to prevent any disruption in water availability. We urge citizens to report water-related issues immediately using the provided contact numbers,” he stated.

Despite these measures, residents are facing financial challenges as they have to pay between 1,000 and 1,500 for each water tanker. This additional cost has added to their burden during the water crisis.

Dinesh Vashisht, president of RWA for sectors 3, 5 and 6, said that the ongoing water supply issues are affecting nearly 10,000 residents in the area. “Our water works infrastructure is outdated, with old machinery that frequently breaks down. The motors and panels often malfunction, causing significant disruptions in the water supply. Currently, one of our 60 HP motors is out of order. In Sector 5, many homes do not receive adequate water. When the supply starts, it often stops prematurely as the water tank at the water works runs dry. To address this, we propose connecting the pipe supplying water to the water works tank directly to the sector’s drinking water line with a bypass controlled by a valve. This would help ensure a more reliable water supply but all in vain,” he said.

City residents alleged that the water tanks at the water works have not been cleaned for several years, posing a health risk to them.

Roshan Lal Yadav, president RWA, Sector 57 said the submersible repaired after 10 days on Sunday, has stopped working again and nearly 300 households were impacted. “Last time it was repaired after regular follow ups for 10 days and I am not sure how many days it will take now. We need a permanent solution for water woes,” he said.

Officials said one of the reasons for irregular water supply is several illegal connections in the sector’s drinking water line, and many residents installing direct motors and further disrupting the equitable distribution of water.

Last week, the MCG had announced a fine of 5,000 for washing vehicles or courtyards with potable water between 5am and 9pm. The decision was taken by MCG to prevent wastage amid water scarcity in the city. 35 residents have been penalised in different areas of the city, since last Monday, officials aware of the matter said.

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