SUEZ CEO talks leadership, diversity, and water strategies — Daryo News

SUEZ, the global leader in water and waste management, has been a strategic partner in Uzbekistan’s water sector since 2018, advancing water infrastructure and management in Tashkent and beyond. During an interview with Oybek Shaykhov, Secretary-General of Europe-Uzbekistan Association (EUROUZ) at the third annual Tashkent Investor’s Forum, CEO Sabrina Soussan reaffirmed the company’s commitment to long-term investment in the region. She announced a comprehensive €5bn plan spanning the next five to seven years to further modernize Uzbekistan’s water and wastewater services, while also inspiring women to pursue leadership roles.

Water Management and Strategic Partnerships

Recognizing the nation’s challenges with water scarcity and quality, SUEZ began its work in Tashkent with a seven-year management contract involving 60 specialists. The contract introduced innovative solutions like smart meters to reduce water consumption by 5-10% and digital systems to efficiently identify and repair network leakages that account for 30-50% of water loss. “We are the strategic partner for Uzbekistan for water, and we are very proud to be this strategic partner,” Soussan said.

As part of its investment strategy, SUEZ has launched a public-private partnership (PPP) project in Sukhandarya while developing a significant wastewater treatment plant for Tashkent. Sustainable approaches, such as groundwater replenishment and wastewater energy production, also align with Uzbekistan’s development goals.

Inspiring and Empowering Women in Leadership

During the interview, Soussan emphasized her personal commitment to empowering women in leadership roles. “Believe in yourself and trust yourself,” she encouraged. She urged women to embrace their unique qualities, build diverse teams, and leverage their perspectives to achieve success. “Diverse teams bring different perspectives and lead to better decisions,” she added, encouraging young women to harness their strengths.

Soussan further highlighted the need for women and girls to embrace themselves and their femininity by adding, “Stay yourself. What do I mean with this? Don’t try to look or to be like a man. There are some differences.”

As a mentor to young women, Soussan strives to create inclusive, forward-thinking environments where diversity drives innovative solutions. Her advice reflects SUEZ’s broader commitment to fostering long-term partnerships in Central Asia while supporting the next generation of leaders.

SUEZ’s Future in Uzbekistan

SUEZ envisions itself as a long-term strategic partner in Uzbekistan, transferring technology and expertise to local water management teams. “We have projects, notified projects, worth €5bn for the next five to seven years,” Soussan said.

The company aims to continue expanding its footprint across Central Asia, bringing innovative solutions and diverse perspectives to help the region achieve its ambitious development goals. With Soussan’s leadership, SUEZ is not only setting a high standard for water and waste management but also inspiring the region’s young women to pursue their ambitions confidently.

Watch the full interview below:

EUROUZ and Daryo are partnering to launch ‘Letters to Our Daughters,’ an interview series with global leaders aimed at empowering young women in Central Asia by sharing personal insights, experiences, and career lessons.

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